BGS & You

It’s no surprise to anyone that the BGS (background simulation) in Elite Dangerous is an incredibly complicated aspect of the game. No one person has a full understanding of how it works, however some know more than others. With this guide I intend to share with you the basics on how you can help the cause, or at the very least, prevent yourself from accidentally harming it.
To understand what helps, one must first understand what hinders.
- Selling commodities at any non-Redshift controlled station
- Selling exploration data at any non-Redshift controlled station
- Completing missions for any faction besides Redshift Logistics
- Handing in bounty vouchers for other factions (be sure to check which faction vouchers belong to in your transactions panel)
These actions all hurt our influence in systems where we are present and not in control, therefore should be avoided.
Now, what helps?
- Selling commodities at Redshift controlled stations
- Selling exploration data at Redshift controlled stations
- Completing missions for Redshift Logistics and prioritising high influence rewards
- Handing in bounty vouchers for Redshift Logistics (be sure to check which faction vouchers belong to in your transactions panel)
While this may all seem rather restrictive, do keep in mind that this only applies to systems where our faction is present. Assuming you are in an unrelated system then you are free to do as you please.
All we ask is that you are aware of your actions and do not do anything which would harm our influence.
Thank you.
Written by CMDR Tenacious C